Tips for Starting and Growing a Business

Birdia Chambers

May is Small Business Month! There’s no defined roadmap or rulebook when it comes to being a small business owner. Everyone has a different experience, and every business requires a unique approach. My story starts in Corporate America, where I spent over 20 years in the financial services and technology industries. I was eventually introduced to social media and encouraged to spearhead the social media strategy for my organization, which is where I found my passion for digital marketing.

From there, I decided to launch Epic Transformation to help small business owners and enterprise organizations understand how to easily incorporate social media into their marketing strategy. Over the years, I’ve learned a thing or two about business ownership. I’m sharing my advice for business owners who are just starting their entrepreneurial journey, and business owners who are looking to take their businesses to the next level.

If You’re Just Starting Your Business…

  • Have a Business Plan: It’s important to define your business’s mission and who your target audience is. What does your ideal customer look like, and how can your business be of service to them?
  • Identify Your Likes and Dislikes: Corporate America gave me insight into many aspects of business, leadership, and strategy. Spend some time figuring out your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Hire Right Away: This may be an unpopular opinion, but hiring a contractor or employee to delegate the tasks you dislike doing can help you to scale your business quicker and more efficiently if that’s your goal.
  • Get Organized: As a start-up, your schedule is going to be very flexible. I recommend planning out your day to ensure you are prioritizing the things that matter most. Establish a routine you can replicate day after day. The sooner you can nail down time management, the better off you’ll be in the long run.

If You’re Looking to Scale Your Business…

  • Revisit Your Business Plan and Strategy: Is your business still in line with your goals? Review your business plan at least annually and make the necessary adjustments to stay on track.
  • Track Your Progress: You should be tracking your progress so when you visit your strategy, you can determine what has/has not been working for your business. Has anything changed? Are you aligned with your goals? Has your demographic changed? Take a look at where you are and customize a plan to help you reach your goals.
  • Network With Other Entrepreneurs: Make it a priority to meet other entrepreneurs and build relationships. Then, you can leverage your network to create opportunities. As an entrepreneur, it can feel like you’re alone. However, meeting other entrepreneurs will help you feel connected and stay fresh in your industry.
  • Stay Up-To-Date: What are the newest trends in the industry? What are the latest features you can incorporate into your business? I recommend utilizing technology in an efficient way if you are looking to scale your business. Make the best use of your time by automating.

As a small business owner, we should also recognize and celebrate other small business owners who are on this journey with us. We know firsthand how challenging it can be to launch a business without knowing what’s next. Surround yourself with good people, find a mentor or sponsor, and support other small businesses around you. When one of us wins, we all win!


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